Save our Race Cars–Support the RPM Act!

We’re under attack and you can help!  Support the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act (RPM Act)


In 2015 the EPA asserted that converting a motor vehicle into a race car was illegal if the emissions system failed to remain in it’s certified configuration.   So any car enthusiast that has a track car they built and modified themselves in this format would own an illegal vehicle!  In response, the Recognizing the Protection of Motorsports Act (RPM Act) was conceived to protect our rights as automotive enthusiasts.



Your voices were heard since the initial news broke and after a successful SEMA Washington Rally on May 17th we are another step closer to winning our battle!  The House bill (H.R. 350) currently has 123 cosponsors, with the Senate bill (S. 203) at 32, including newly-added Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), the 8th Senate Democrat.  With this support, if all Senate Republicans vote our way, the RPM Act is essentially “filibuster-proof”.

Keep your foot firmly planted on the gas and continue to support the Bill  We’ve made some great strides, but there is still work to be done!


Read the outline of the RPM Act 

Tell the new Congress to Save Our Racecars!

Remember to support the movement by using the hashtags #RPMact2017 and #SaveOurRacecars

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